Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Weekend

On Friday night Rachel, Cameron, Tobi and Nick came over to watch scary movies on the big screen. We watched 'Dead Birds' and 'The Exorcist' (the re-released original). 'Dead Birds' was really scary and me and Rach let off a few screams. 'The Exorcist' was not scary, despite being named the scariest movie of all time. It was more gruesome than scary. As you can see by the photo, Quentin got a little carried away with the Jaffa's.

Saturday night was the Singstar 80's party at 69. It was great fun dressing up in horrible 80's fashion and singing hard-out to classic 80's tunes, like Uptown Girl, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, Heaven Is A Place On Earth, and other hits. I suprised myself by sticking to my "never drinking again" rule and only had three drinks the whole night! It was great not being hungover on Sunday, coz lets face it, hangovers suck!

Now that I've got the hang of this photo thing (I'm a bit slow), here are some more.

Quentin dressed up in 50's gear for his work party.

My new (not so new now) car

1 comment:

notHamilton said...

Glad to finally be seeing some 80's party pix - but I can see why no one else has posted any yet. Fashion clearly being the victim of the night (and anyone sober during the singstar?!).