Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hello Mortgage

As promised, here is the update with the big news. Most of you already know, but Q and I have bought our first house. After scouring the realestate websites for months we finally went 'house hunting' two weekends ago. We looked at maybe two on the Saturday and three or four on the Sunday. The first house we saw on Sunday was perfect (well as close to perfect that our budget would allow). So on Sunday night we made an offer. The whole time the realestate agent was there I was freaking out, with all the paper work and legal clauses blah blah blah. As I have never bought a house before I had no idea what was going on. After spending Monday in negotiations with the vendor, we finally met half-way and signed the deal. I had always thought that the house buying process was a long one - oh-but-no. We had until today (28th) to satisfy all the conditions of the sale, which meant getting a valuation, building inspection, and LIM. We couldn't get a valuer or inspector until Friday, so we were quickly running out of time. We had some drama's with the wanker valuer who "double booked" and didn't let us know, but we managed to find another guy who came over straight away. So then we were just waiting on the LIM, which we got yesterday. So, with everything looking good, and with the help of Jacki (thanks so much!), we went unconditional today. We take possession on 20 April, which gives us three weeks to pack and clean. So now we're homeowners with a large mortgage we're going to have to be very responsible with our money! We haven't taken any photos yet but I can assure you we will, and will post them on here. In the interim here is a photo from the realestate website.

So I'm not going to give an update on everything I've done since August last year, but there is one other event I wish to talk about. Q's older brother Jacob married my friend Teresa on 10 March. The wedding and reception were held at Ambience Gardens in Tauranga. It was a beautiful ceremony, although I managed to control the tears! Congratulations Jacob and Teresa! We stayed with Q's younger brother Chris and his girlfriend Ellie. Ellie had made hair appointments for us at 11.45am, and we were told it would only take 30mins, which is all we had time for. But of course it actually took 1 hour, with me being stuck with a "learner" who very rudely told me that we should have come in earlier! Well we damn well would of but they were booked solid! So we had to sprint back to their place to make it to the wedding by 2. Luckily we made it in time! I had such a great time, and Teresa looked beautiful!

Well thats all for now folks. Will put some photos of our house on as soon as we get some.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Watch This Space...

Big update coming soon - featuring (hopefully) some big and exciting news (well, for me anyway!).